Hello 👋 , and welcome to the blog income report: December 2023 edition (last of the year)
Crazy how my goal for 2023 was to reach $10k before the year ended, and yes, it did end on exactly $10k in December 2023, but it also crossed $10k, $15k, $20, and $25k before that.
It didn’t occur to me that ending the year with $10k would be on a decreasing momentum 😅 It makes you believe that the universe gets you what you want in its own twisted way.
Whatever might be the case, I’m here for it.
I have set timelines for the year 2024 in terms of leveling up my content game from a multi-website point of view and diversifying my website traffic by giving Facebook a big-time try after witnessing multiple bloggers getting amazing results with organic Facebook.
Creators like Hasib Alic (on 𝕏) truly opened my eyes to the world of Facebook traffic & showed me what I’ve been sleeping on.
Irrespective of what niches I have (money, business, creator economy, travel, etc.) for other websites, I believe trying each one of those facets won’t hurt.
Although I have strong reasons to believe some niches (like travel) have a much higher potential to blow up (in a good way) compared to the rest, we’ll see.
Recently I did some digging about growing an audience on Facebook, and I found it a tad challenging to get accustomed to their ad account setup and promotion.
I honestly don’t know the last time I used Facebook, being a typical Gen Z.
At the back of my head, I always thought certain social platforms could be (Instagram, Twitter/ 𝕏, and YouTube, to name a few) worth growing an audience in, but Facebook was never an option.
But lately, I have come to a realization that at times and for certain niches, Facebook traffic gives better RPM than another social platform, plainly due to the fact that there are more aged and mature audiences on that platform.
I plan to exhaust every means of good-quality traffic there is; I might not leave any stone unturned, whether it is Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube 💪🏼.
Ok, let’s put an end to bogus promises & move on to the numbers for December 2023.
Table of Contents
The Income Breakdown For December: $10,037.89
Mediavine Ad Income | $8643.45 |
Affiliate Income | |
– Proofreading course | $1322.99 |
– Impact | $1020 |
TOTAL | $10,986.44 |
Gone are the days (literally September) when I used to see $20,000 on the Mediavine dashboard. Now, all I see are below $10k numbers.
Affiliates kinda remain the same (low); at least they are consistent! When I say “low,” I don’t mean “I WANT MORE” in an ungrateful way.
What I Really mean is their conversion rate; for example, The proofreading course has a massive 4k clicks to their website from mine, yet the conversion is around 5-7 a month.
That is less than a 1% conversion at this point, which also means either I’m not sending hot leads to the correct program or their sales funnel isn’t up to mark ( something I’ve pointed out before).
So overall, there was definitely a drop in income, and honestly, this was pretty much expected, attributed to the fact that traffic has decreased.
Pinterest doesn’t like me anymore!
The reason for that could be anything from dying down the virality of my top-performing pin to the absolute abandonment of my Pinterest account.
A bit of both, probably!
I was on holiday, what was I supposed to do? Also, I’ve seen my account grow without much of an interaction for weeks, so I thought this time around, too, the pattern might continue.
Clearly, it didn’t.
One incredibly surprising thing happened while I was writing. I got an email about a bonus from one of the affiliates due to some error in affiliate link tracking.

It is admirable to see such initiatives to make up for the technical errors; they could’ve easily hidden the numbers and showed “no conversions,” but they did.
This not only signals that they are owning up to their mistakes; mind you, they made no mistake. It was a technical issue.
Yet, the team took it upon themselves to make up for the losses for their affiliates, and this shows how much they value & support their affiliates, good stuff.
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Blog Expenses for December 2023
Blog Hosting + CDN | $34.95 + $17 |
Email Service Provider | $79 |
Canva Pro | $12.95 |
Semrush | $119.95 |
Ahrefs Subscription | $199 |
TOTAL | $462.85 |
This was the last month I used the Ahrefs and Semrush subscription because I realized I don’t really use it as much, given the price point.
Also, investing in SEO seems like a lost cause at this point;
I plan to focus solely on quality content and promoting it on socials; the SEO gods like what I have to say; they might put me in their SERPs, not that I depend on it in any way.
Rest all expenses remain the same.
So the Net Profit for this blog turns out to be ($10,986.44– $432.85), which is:
(down 32.96% since last month)
- High-income potential (a lot of established bloggers make over $100,000 a month)
- You leverage your blog to help your existing business
- Building a like-minded community
- You don’t need any technical or coding knowledge prior to starting a blog.
- Starting a blog is cheap (about $2.95 a month)
- You can create your blog on any topic you like or are passionate about, ANYTHING!
- Create a passion project under your own name ( Example: yourname.com, I have another blog other than this, which is in my name, sayanneogie.com)
- What do you have to lose? (Other than those $2.95/month, a cup of coffee is more expensive than this.)
Looking for reasons to start your blog?
Building a personal brand online not only helps you build a steady source of income but also helps you in all sorts of not-so-direct ways, such as:
Here’s how to start your own blog in 10 minutes:
Head over to the article: Step-by-step guide on starting a blog, and you’ll be good to go.
Income Proof:
1. Mediavine

2. Impact

2. Proofread Anywhere

Traffic Stats:

There is one dialogue from Fleabag when Claire asks her sister how her hair looked after a bad cut;
“It’s horrendous,” she replies (to the viewers, breaking the 4th wall & all).
That’s exactly how I feel after looking at the traffic numbers and comparing them with the numbers of September 2023.
Email Subscribers:

On a positive note (the only positive thus far), I have garnered over 5000 email subscibers that I originally aimed for at the very beginning of the year.
Previous Blog Income reports:
- Blog income report: I made $16,177 in November 2023
- Blog Income Report: I made $24,215 in October 2023
- Blog Income Report: I made $26,527 in September 2023
- Blog Income Report: I made $18,819 in August 2023
- Blog Income Report: I made $15,545 in July 2023
- Blog Income Report: I made $12,373 in June 2023
- Blog Income Report: I made $6747 in May 2023
- Blog Income Report: I made $4,767 in April 2023
- Blog Income Report: I made $4,801 in March 2023
- Blog Income Report: I made $4,753 in February 2023
Blog Updates:
There is no update as such, although there could be some in the coming months, mostly for the travel site, the personal development site, and this one; keep an eye out!
That’s it for the last income report of the year. See you next month (or next year, I had to, sorry)
I have interested.