Blog Income Report: How I made $5266 in August 2020

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Blogging Income reports Making Money

This is not an ordinary blog post for me. Oh no no no!

This is kind of a big deal! It’s sort of a milestone moment for this blog that I’ve been working relentlessly on for almost a couple of years now.

Well, not exactly a couple of years, first-year was jam-packed with procrastination and the other year with somewhat better work input, so productivity-wise, only second-year was the one that counts.


Holy smokes! 🤯 Over $5k generated from this blog in the last month.

Crossing the 5-grand mark truly feels like an achievement and I am beyond excited, I am sure you can tell by now?

Was I expecting this? Umm…Yeah, for quite a while now!

I would be lying if I said thatI never thought I could make $5000 from this blog or even a $1000, I was just doing this for fun“. That’s BS!

In fact, making money through this blog was one of the prime reasons why I started this in the first place.

I had the intention to make money from the beginning, and this income is definitely no accidental success.

You don’t always have to follow a serious passion first in order to make money, having the business/money-making mindset from the start works just as fine.

For me,

  • I saw a few income reports of massively successful bloggers such as Michelle (of Pat Flynn (of,
  • Got amazed by the income potential in blogging,
  • Started my own blog on a topic I was familiar with and interested in,
  • Hence, came into existence.

That’s it!

And now that I finally have some results to show, how about publishing my own income report? Kind of like a full-circle moment!

But why bother writing an Income Report?

I mean…Why would someone expose their income for people to watch?

To show off, duh!

Nah, I just kidding, showing off is the last thing I want to do, trust me!

The whole point of the report is to acknowledge you what’s possible in terms of building a steady income on the internet, not working for anybody but yourself.

Also, this was a promise that I’ve made to myself that if I make a decent amount from this blog, I would share those numbers and learned lessons.

Because this might be useful to a lot of people looking for ways to make money but don’t know how.

There are quite a few reasons altogether that might drive someone to publish their income online. But for me, it was because of 2 major reasons:

1: To Motivate You

As I already mentioned before, reading other blogger’s income reports is exactly what pushed me to start my own blog despite the lack of knowledge in this field.

It is really fascinating to see those actual income figures with full transparency that usually is kept under wraps when it comes to other massive websites and blogs.

And this inspires the reader to build something similar for themselves, something that makes them that much money, every single month.

Even if only a few of you reading this blog will go on and start their own blog, I’ll say that this page served it’s purpose well.

To know more about starting a blog, visit: How to start a blog (and make money)

2: To Establish Accountability

Since starting this blog, I never had to present any analysis/growth report to anyone regarding the performance of the blog.

This was something I was doing according to my own convenience and I would work on it only if I had the “right mood” which was not very often and that left me a lot of room to procrastinate and delay the effort needed.

“Meh! I’ll work on it tomorrow, right now, Netflix needs my attention”

But something happens when you have like-minded people who monitor your performance once you’ve shown them some results and that makes you want to improve a little bit more than the previously shown results.

And it drives you to be a more accountable.

This is exactly what I am hoping to get through these blog posts!

Yeah, there is always a 50-50 chance that the progress on the following month falls short compared to the month before and that is toootaaaally fine.

As long as I am giving my 100%, the growth trend taken over a long period of time will eventually be evident that it is in fact, a huge improvement.

Ok, enough of cheesy motivation statements!

Thank you for listening to my TED talk on “Accountability 101” 😉.

Now let’s have a look at…

The Income Breakdown: $5266

Affiliate Income
– Bluehost$1520
– Proofread Anywhere$1082
– Earn More writing$59
– Flex Offers$24
– Survey Sites$20
Mediavine Ads$2561


Proofread Anywhere:

Mediavine Ads:


A blog can make money through multiple ways at such as affiliate programs, display ads, sponsorships, course sales, consulting, selling products, etc.

Right now, this blog earns through,

  • Sponsorships? haven’t got any relevant offers yet
  • Consulting? nope
  • Products to sell? don’t have any
  • Online course? well, not yet

As of this moment, Display Ads and Affiliate Programs are the ones that are bringing in the dough!

And in terms of Affiliate income, “Bluehost” and “Proofread Anywhere” account for the majority of the affiliate share.

Now let’s talk about the display ads,

A big shoutout to Mediavine for being such an awesome advertising network. As you can see from the table above, about half of my total income alone comes from Mediavine ads.

When compared to Adsense, I am making around 15x to 20x more with Mediavine while getting the same amount of traffic.

They have THE BEST RPMs (rate per thousand impressions) across all advertising networks and they actually care for the publishers under their umbrella.

So if you ever plan to run ads on your website/blog, you know where submit your application!

Blog Traffic for August 2020:

127,903 Pageviews (+46% since July 2020)

103,621 Sessions (+48% since July 2020)

The traffic was mostly through Pinterest (around 95%) which I am really grateful for but I need to diversify the traffic as much as possible because being dependent on a single source is not a wise strategy.

Which is why, I am in the process to learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as thoroughly as possible through the course that I bought a few months ago called “Stupid Simple SEO”.

And hopefully, this boosts my search engine traffic which is pretty much non-existent at this moment.

Other than that, I am really glad to see the growth of traffic compared to the previous month (around 46%)

And I think this puts a little pressure on me to keep up the consistent growth factor and trust me that is actually a good thing.

This sets the bar a little higher for me to work and grow even more, as I’ve already mentioned in the “Establishing Accountability” section.

Anything new with the blog? Any major updates?

Yessss! A major (unplanned) change!

Do you see a big dip in the graph mentioned above on 14 Aug?

Yeah, that’s because, on that day, there were some “technical issues” on the backend of my previous hosting provider which made the website inaccessible for the whole day.

Even as the website admin couldn’t get in, let alone the readers.


The customer support too wasn’t able to help me after a 35-minute customer wait-time, and that made me switch from GoDaddy to Bigscoots.

I was thinking about switching to Bigscoots for quite a while now for it’s better security systems and potentially improved website speed factors, and this incident gave me a big push.

So I guess, it was a blessing is disguise, maybe!

Bigscoots is a great hosting provider but a little more on the cost scale if you’re just a beginner (around $35/month).

Bluehost (a great blog hosting provider, which I recommend for new bloggers) provides far better service than GoDaddy and costs much less than Bigscoots at a price point of $2.95/month.

Anyway, if it wasn’t for that issue, and something more catastrophic could’ve wiped the whole thing.

Get started with your own blog…

If blogging is something you think you should try at least once in your life, I suggest you make that happen right now.

Which you can set up and get running within 10 minutes.

Starting a blog has never been easier, and moreover, blogging is one of those small scale businesses that do not require a huge upfront investment, just invest $2.95 a month to get started. That’s it!

And you can make anywhere from $1000 to over $100,000 every single month.

Tap the button given above to get to the page where the total step-by-step procedure of starting a blog is explained.

Cheers! See you in the next income report!

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2 thoughts on “Blog Income Report: How I made $5266 in August 2020”

  1. Hey Sayan,

    It is really detailed income report, congrats on your success. The only thing missing here is proof of ads income? Why did not you added it in the post?

    • Thank you for your suggestion, Image proof of the major income sources has been added! Hope this helps.


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